Arkansas has very favorable conditions for homeowners and gardeners to plant home orchards or even a couple of fruit trees.
The relatively mild climate and loamy soil in most areas of the state are great conditions for growing fruit trees.
The warm effect provided to the climate from the Gulf of Mexico to the South and plains in the West keep the state away from extreme weather in both summers and winters.
What fruit tree grows best in Arkansas?
Plum is a fruit that thrives in heat and produced more fruit in warm winters and spring.
They are very resistant to most diseases and pests, making it very suitable to be grown in Arkansas.
Although some arrangements are needed to protect the trees from squirrels, rabbits and deer roaming around in most areas of Arkansas.

Peaches are also very easy to grow in Arkansas.
They are self-fruitful and you just need a single variety for their harvest.
However, if you have over one variety, there will be a significant increase in the yield.
Peach trees do better in hot weather, so the heat and humidity of Arkansas make it a suitable place for cultivating the fruit.
Arkansas’s climate supports the growth of cherries, especially tart cherries.
It is also better in the state’s Southern areas.
Sweet cherries are more prone to splitting and being attacked by diseases, rendering to their low tolerance for heat and humidity in many areas of Arkansas.
You should pick a variety of cherries that is small enough to fit around a bird’s nest for retaining its harvest.
Cherries are less tolerant to wet feet, need well-drained soil and full sun.
Arkansas’s conditions are supportive of this as there are variations of soil, from heavy clay soil in the Ouachita and Ozark mountains to silt in the delta.
Jujube grow best in hot dry climates, rarely suffer from frost damage, and are winter hardy and late bloomers.
They also suffer in very poor soils and drought conditions, making them the perfect fruit to grow in Arkansas.
Do fruit trees grow well in Arkansas?
There are two growing zones in Arkansas as per the Department of Agriculture—the northern half in zone 7 and the southern half in zone 8.
These areas experience hot summers and mild winters.
Given that, a wide range of fruits and berries can be grown in Arkansas, but some just do better than others.

Some fruit trees are more suited to growing in either warm or cold climates as compared to others.
It might be great to have your own mango or pineapple tree, but areas with cold weather or very harsh winters can not enjoy that.
Understanding the climate and environmental conditions of a city or area is the first step to picking on what fruit trees can be grown in the property.
What kind of fruit can grow in Arkansas?
Given the climate and conditions of Arkansas, the top four picks in fruit trees are apples, plums, peaches and pears.
Fruit trees can also be divided into two categories—namely, small fruits and tree fruits.
The easiest to grow in a home setting are the small fruit as they occupy less space and will give fruit relatively quicker.
Full sun and supplemental watering in dry periods are some essentials for all fruit crops.
It is also recommended to schedule fertilization and spraying insecticides, but its timing and frequency varies for each crop.
Another essential is good drainage—at least 6-8 hours of sunlight is required for most fruit trees every day.
Access to water and air drainage are some other points to consider while growing a fruit tree in Arkansas.
What is the easiest fruit tree to grow?
The easiest fruit tree to grow in Arkansas is the pear tree.
In addition, given how easy it is to grow and maintain a pear tree most people consider it the easiest for growing on your own in your backyard or home garden as well.
Asian pear tree varieties specifically are known as the best fruit trees for beginners.
They are very simple to be taken care of and with just a little extra effort you can expect an increase in its yield.

Pear trees are also quite resistant to many diseases, which is a major concern with growing many other fruit trees.
Although fire blight is still a risk, but it does not take much effort in protecting a pear tree from it.
Some varieties of pear are even self-fertile so a single tree is also enough for pollination and bearing fruit.
Conditions in Arkansas are very suitable for pear trees, and one can easily grow a pear tree in their homes.